Saturday, January 28, 2006

A REALLY big fish story

"biggest fish I ever landed was in 19 'n' 38. Remember it like it was yesterday," lied the old fisherman.
"Grasshoppers were as thick as hair on a hound dog's back. I was using a grasshopper for bait and to be perfectly honest I was taking a little snooze when all of the sudden my rod nearly jerked out of my hand. I grab it, rear back and set the hook. But my line busts. I lose the fish.
I take a spool of heavy line, string it to my reel, tie on a hook, slip a lively hopper into place and throw back out in the same spot. This time I'm not sleepy 'cause I figure I got a big fish in a hungry way.
Sure enough, he takes the bait. But also take my rigging and strips off every inch of line. I vow then to catch this monster. I run back to town, buy a hundred feet of one inch hemp rope and have a blacksmith fashion me a hook out of double ought-horse shoe.
When I get to my fishing hole I bait up with the biggest hopper I can find, throw in and tie off the end to the top of a fair sized tree. Just before dark I catch that fish. He fights terrible hard and since theirs nothing I can do I go home, come back the next morning and that tree is still whipping back and forth. It took two full days for that fish to tire. Then I hired a ream of stout horses to pull it up on the bank.
I can't rightly recite how big that fish was in yards and feet but to show you -- a logging outfit ended up suing me. They were having a log drive at the time and when I pulled that fish out they claimed it dropped the river so much there wasn't enough water to float their logs."


At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds fishy

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Brandy said...

that was confusing

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Cassi said...

a little bit exagerated...

At 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

boring. new post

At 5:05 PM, Blogger amanda said...

could you post something new.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Brandy said...

indeed. new post

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Mike said...

In the works.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Cassi said...

it doesnt take THAT long to make a new post.

indeed. i agree with brandy.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Cassi said...

ok, all my posts on here dissapear. whats the deal?


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