Sunday, December 17, 2006

Racer Christmas.

Twas the night before Christmas and caught at the light,
Was a domestic V8 and no cops in sight,
I will try, I will try, I will try with this turbo charged motor,
To beat this darn Camaro, even with it's big power,
As the light goes green and I pull hard no joke,
The Camaro erupts in clouds of tire smoke,
Now Smasher, now Rev-ver, now Stroker, now Blitzin,
These are the names of my four VTEC pistons,
Racing ahead I'm the Star of the Action,
Now I know I'm going to win even when that V8 gets traction,
Now grabbing second, my BOV whistle,
I can’t even hear the roar, of his big engine spittle,
All I do is keep that four-banger humming,
As he used up a half tank just to keep his car hulling,
In a second he’ll give up, but it sure was a blast,
That Camaros in the rear view, and a thing of the past,
Don't bother with crying, cause now it's too late,
He’ll try to act cool, like you can relate,
Looking up at my taillights as they start getting smaller,
I let off and waited a minute, just to give him a holler,
"You can't win them all," I say in a fling,"
You may not win any, in that big heavy thing",
He scowled and revved and let out a sigh,
And did his classic V8 trademark, high-speed fly-by.


At 4:42 PM, Blogger Gloria said...

I didn't even understand most of that, but it was still kind of funny. I like the names of the VTEC pistons.

At 9:52 PM, Blogger coolnclever said...


At 1:59 PM, Blogger Nathan said...

Totally awesome! You penned that, right?

Butyaknow, not all Front/Rear, V-8 cars have no traction off the starting line. It really depends on the driver. If he goes easy on the gas at the start, he...sorry, "it"-the car, can get a little momentum to get moving, and then let'r rip. Although, I do think I wouldn't mind getting a ride in your Honda. Are you still gonna have it, say, next November? I'd kinda like to see how a car lowered that far handles.

By the way, it was good to meet you when I was back home for that short time.

Safe driving, and Godspeed.


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