Mike Needs.
I Googled "Mike needs", and this is what came up.
Mike is in need of a date. If you are an attractive, intelligent, FEMALE, more or less Mike's age (23) there are many good reasons why you should consider
Mike needs your help in identifying a movie:. "I have been trying for years to find a movie that someone has suggested to me might be ...
Mike needs help.
"I Need a Van"
Mike Needs Help. Following on the post "digital definitions" below, I'd like to ask for help coming up with a list of photo-related words that I could ...
Mike needs good thoughts
Mike needs a new van
Dr. Mike needs a sample.
Mike needs your help. Real life friend Mike seems to have lost his cat, Bennie. You can read about Bennies story here. Mike truly loves this cat, ...
Sounds like DJ Mike needs to show the world how skillfull he is on a turn table. Maybe Guitar Center will hold a scratch off for all the rest of the angrey ...
Mike needs a shave, 25 years old, Male, GREENSBORO, North Carolina, US, Is this Gorilla suit gonna affect my chances of finding a lady?
Mike Needs Party
Mike Needs to Calm Down on Eminent Domain. The NY Post editorializes today on the mayor’s recent policy statement on eminent domain saying that while ...
Sometimes I wonder why......
Why I would lower my car 3"? It was great back in September, but in this weather? I plowed snow all the way out my driveway today. I also managed to scrape up what the snowplows left behind. Also, after going over the Cook RD Railroad tracks at like 3mph, I managed to still bottom out AND pick up an ice ball that remained logged under my car for like a 1/2 mile. Bumping and scraping and making all kinds of horrible noises. Not to mention all the potholes every where make for a very violent ride. Sometimes I wonder why, when its dry out, it all worth it. But right now its kind of a pain.
Honda NSX with top gear, comparing it against other popular cars.
The famed S2000
I got to work today after college and found a Honda S2K in the stall next to mine and proceeded to get very exited. I immediately looked at the windshield to make sure it was a safety (a used car that was traded in) and it was. My heart beat fast. I had passed the guy in charge of it on my way into work. He was out to buy lunch. So I waited around for him to come back so I could ask him if I could drive it. 1/2 an hour later he came back and I asked him and he said yes, just check the oil first. So away I went. I took it down the freeway loop. (Our test track so to speak) This is my "professional" opinion of this grand car:
First off, there's no power till you rev it to at least 6000 and get into Vtec. Once you get there though, hold on. It pulled hard from there on out. I entered the freeway in 3rd at about 65 mph and she was still pulling hard and the Exhaust note was incredibly pleasant, but not really loud enough to be noticed. I had to back off there to avoid getting a ticket. As a huge fan of these cars, the only thing that disappointed me was that it wasn't quite as powerful as I had anticipated. Every thing else was great though, push button start, tight 6spd gear box great handling, looks, ect. I am a happier man today after driving that car.
(I will accept this car as a Christmas present anytime )
If you guys are involved in online forums you might understand this picture, otherwise, you might still understand it. Who knows? I spend at least an hour on Honda Tech every day and come across this alot.