For those of you who have seen the Fast and the Furious(the first one)
I live my life a quarter pounder at a time. And for those 500 calories or more, I'm free.
I need FRIES! Two of them. The big ones. Oh, and I need them tonight.
You're lucky the double shot of BBQ sauce didn't blow the seam on your nugget box.
There she is, 2 pounds of pure beef. My dad ate it in 9.0 seconds flat.
Check it out, it's like this. If I lose, winner takes my happy meal. But if I win, I take the burger and the toy. To some people, that's more important.
You can only be two.
There coming down.
Lowest price-----2.12-Campton KY.
National average-2.83
Highest price-----4.04-Kailua Kona HI.
Some people make things happen.
Some watch it happen.
And some wonder what just happened.
Sprint update
You all will be happy to know that the sprint we all know and love, is not as dead as I thought. After investigating, I discovered a loose spark plug wire. This is what was causing it to run on 2 cylinders. So, now it is running as good as before, and I won't have to any major engine modifications. Yet.
Autocrossing typically takes place in parking lots or Air Port strips. The course is marked out by setting up cones and there are penalty's for knocking them over or disturbing them. The penalty varies place to place. There are many different classes of cars to keep it fair. These categories range from stock cars,(no modifications) to actual race cars that aren't even street legal. You race one by one, so that there is no damage from bumping into other cars. You race against the clock and the winner is determined by who ever did the course the fastest. I plan to one day do this.
A new job
I have successful landed a job at the Mitsubishi dealership in the I-5 Auto world.
An Interesting Note.
Drag racing is for fast cars.
Autocross is for fast drivers.
She died! (Almost)
I guess an engine can only take so much. Today, I decide to take my sprint out and have some fun. And I had fun for like 1/2 an hour, ripping up and down the field with my brothers. Until, the exhaust starts making a loud popping noise after downshifting into 1st gear from 3rd. The car then had no power and wouldn't idle and was putting more than the usual amount of black and blue smoke.
I limped it back to the shop and parked it back in its usual place. I got my brother to keep his foot on the gas to keep it running, and I went out and did a power balance. The power balance told me that one of my cylinders wasn't doing a thing, thus reducing the already small performance numbers by a third.
It now runs but has no power. I guess I will be doing a engine swap sooner than I had anticipated. More to follow.
Last Friday....
I was calmly sitting at college, learning about charging systems, when a second year student barges into the classroom saying that a lady is giving away free Red Bulls out front. So we all rush out to greet this lady and her driver (of a modified Mini Cooper) and get some free Red Bulls out of her.
Thus I drank my first Red Bull. And I will have to say it wasn't to bad. Contrary to what Mark said in a post of his a while back, I might even drink another one if the opportunity arises.
Thus are my thoughts on a Red Bull energy drink And how I came about to think them.
The all new Honda Fit

This new machine from Honda features a 1.5 liter Vtec engine that is supposed to get incredible fuel economy because of its throttle by wire system system. For those of you who don't know what a throttle be wire system is, I will explain. With a normal older car, the gas pedal is directly linked by a cable to the throttle body. On a throttle by wire car, there is no physical connection. When you press the gas peddle you send a signal to the computer and the computer then decides how much gas to actually give the car. Engineers however, put a feeling of resistance into the pedal so that it feels just like a normal pedal. This is how some cars do their traction control. All that aside, the advertised "great fuel economy" is 33 city and 38 highway. At one time those might have been great, but now that just doesn't quite do it compared to other car out there. Especially hybrids.
The sport version will have a 5spd automatic with paddle shifters to override the transmission should you feel the need to do so. The 1.5 liter single over head cam 16 valve Vtec engine is capable producing a 109 HP @ 5800 rpms, and 105 Ft lbs. Of torque @ 4800 rpms. The torque level on this car is set lower than on your normal Honda to ensure better acceleration without having to rev it so high. The redline is also a little low, it cuts you off at 6500, not very high compared to other honda's, witch have a reputation for revving high. The civic Si for example, has set its redline at 8000.
This vehicle is being presented because of the void created by the growth of the Civic and Accord. Because these cars have grown so large Honda had no small cars to offer anymore. And that is why the Honda Fit is here.